With all the doom and gloom around at the moment, it's very easy to get swept up with the daily coronavirus news bulletins and feel like the end of the world has come . But, if you step back for a moment, human history has shown that we are a resilient species and we will prevail. Last week I spent 4 days in a local hospital with a suspected case of Coronavirus. It was a pretty sobering experience I can tell you. Seeing, nurses and doctors covered from head to toe in protective clothing was a little disconcerting. In the end however, I'm glad to say that my test came back negative and it was just a bad case of flu combined with asthma. As a recent cancer survivor and an asthma sufferer, it would appear that I'm now a member of an at at risk group and as such have to be careful. So I'll do my part and burrow on down and isolate. But in the meantime, what will I do with all this new found freedom. Do I bury my head in the sand and feel sorry for myself or will I be more productive. Well, I chose the latter. I'm currently writing my 3rd novel, The Last Salvation. Which is coming on nicely and in terms of training. I'm offering my services online. Virtual classrooms and hands on labs. Just because you're stuck at home doesn't mean you have to stop learning right?

Finally to all those scaremongers and pessimists. Come on, let's be proactive out there. There's no need to buy 50 toilet rolls and 20 packets of pasta. Relax ... show a little humanity. It's easy to give into fear. But in the darkest days of World War 2, former British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill said “Employ your time in improving yourself by other men’s writings so that you shall come easily by what others have labored hard for.”
We will get through this together, and remember as one door closes, another opens bringing all kinds of new opportunities. Good luck everyone and stay safe.
I'm actually looking forward to listening to your future articles in the form of podcasts. It's much more convenienet for people on the go.